The product design process is a process that directly affects the quality and function of the product.
In addition to the wrong design, too many parts have to be reproduced due to incomplete and inappropriate technical drawing and data package, which causes time and money loss. In addition, unnecessary narrow tolerances increase the cost of the part. In addition, the effect of production processes on the strength and life of the parts sometimes gains importance.
Aware of the importance of the Technical Data Package, the DETS technical team has the competence and knowledge to prepare a technical data package in accordance with military standards (MIL-STD-31000B). What kind of malfunctions may occur in production processes, which information is indispensable, which data can be taken optionally, correct tolerances, etc. evaluates and makes the right choices with criteria such as part function, life, cost. Other technical documentation such as assembly and user manuals, maintenance and repair manuals, spare parts list, training books are also prepared by the DETS technical team. As in product design, DETS has the experience to add value to your technical team in terms of time, cost and quality during the post-design technical data package preparation stages.